Welcome to Zasso.

Worldwide Leader in
Electric Weeding.

What we do

We provide the safe, efficient, and viable technologies necessary for a herbicide-free world.


Zasso’s patented electric weed control solution is a non-chemical alternative to herbicides.  It is just as efficient, but non-toxic, non-residual and very easy to use.

Chemical herbicides were a huge success story in the 20th century, reducing costs and raising yields. But there are now very good reasons why alternative weeding technologies are an important step forward, for many areas of application.

Zasso’s solutions use advanced power electronics and state of the art engineering to eliminate target plants effectively and minimise the usage of chemical herbicides. The Electroherb™ technology enables an eco-friendly, cost-effective weed control to address the needs of farmers, landscapers, service providers and consumers.

Every sale made, every screw tightened, every time you keep the environment clean, every time you are kind to your co-worker, we are closer to helping change reality, to bring the world closer to what it should be.

Our Vision

To be recognized as the company that reshaped the world’s weeding paradigm.

We are at a moment of transition, with a revolution taking place in the world of crop protection services for the first time in almost half a century.

Electroherb™ is a weed control technology based on a mature, non-selective electrophysical mode of action. Its successful application is guaranteed by a fast dynamic adjustment of the high-voltage power being discharged to the targeted plants via a closed, uniform and directed electrical circuit.

In addition to the high level of sophistication, all products have CE certification, which guarantees the highest level of safety controls, always ensuring maximum safety for the user and third parties.

Strategic Partnerships